Pillar Two


We pair students with a mentor to help develop a personalized career plan and provide ongoing support and guidance.

The Power of Positive Role Models

Our Mentorship Pillar offers the personal connection kids need to successfully navigate their education journey and plan for post-graduation. Think Big mentors are dedicated role models who provide a trusted source of encouragement and stability.

Become a Mentor

It’s true that Mentors get as much from their Mentees as they give. The experience has been amazing. If you’re looking for a sign to step out and bless some students with Think Big, this is it!”

Michelle Rademacher Adeeb, Think Big Mentor

How It Works

The Right Match for the Right Kids

Think Big begins matching teens with a mentor at the beginning of high school based on career affinity, personality and life experiences. Our mentors represent all ages, backgrounds and occupations.

Equipped for Success

All Think Big mentors undergo a background check and attend mentor orientation before they are matched with a student. We also provide mentors with resources, workshops and the support they need to make an impact on their mentee’s career progress.

Consistent Accountability

Think Big mentors offer a valuable point of goal-setting, self-discovery and accountability. Mentors meet with their mentee at least once per month to ensure the student remains focused on their education and career plan.

Passionate About the Future

Think Big mentors have a passion for helping teens plan and manage their transition from high school. They commit to working with their mentee for at least one full year to provide valuable guidance and feedback as students explore career path options.

Become a Mentor